June 17, 2013
Launch of the data collection phase of the HYDRIA study.

March 29, 2013, ATHENS
Presentation of HYDRIA study in the "Greek Lipid Forum".

Dietary guidelines for adults in Greece

Suggestions for your nutrition


The HYDRIA study aims to evaluate the health status, the dietary choices and the lifestyle habits of the population in Greece in order  to contribute to the planning, implementation and monitoring of public health policies.

Specifically, the objectives of the HYDRIA study are the following:

  1. The collection of high-quality data, from a representative sample of the Greek population, on health, diet and lifestyle habits, comparable at a international level.
  2. The extraction of information on important health indicators of the population, which will update and enrich the Health Charter of the Ministry of Health.
  3. The use of information on the health, diet and lifestyle habits of the population for the development and evaluation of appropriate policies to protect and promote public health.
  4. The establishment of an integrated network, based on Health Centers, for the long-term collection of health, diet and lifestyle data.

At the same time, the study also addresses the following objectives :

1. The assessment of the health status of the population by recording health indicators by age group, gender  and socioeconomic status and the estimation of the prevalence of chronic diseases or conditions (e.g., hypertension, obesity).

2. The prediction of the future health status of the population, based on data related to risk factors.

3. The detection of variation and documentation of possible inequalities in the health status of different demographic groups.

4. The evaluation of health promotion programs and of strategies aiming to control risk factors.

5. The assessment of current and future healthcare needs.

6. The development of a strategic plan for the undertaking of epidemiological studies and health promotion actions.

7. The development of proposals for the upgrading of healthcare services, the monitoring and improvement of the health status of the population, the reduction of healthcare costs and the minimization of inequalities in the health status of the population.


LAST UPDATE: 28/06/2013
This website is created for the needs of “HYDRIA: Program and focused action on the health and nutrition of the Greek population: development and implementation of methodology and documentation”. It reflects the views of its authors. These views have not been adopted or approved in any way by the Special Service Health & Social Solidarity and the European Commission and should not be received as such. The Special Service Health & Social Solidarity does not guarantee the accuracy of the data of this website,nor is to be held responsible for any use of the respective data.