June 11, 2015, ΑΘΗΝΑ
6th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Conference

Dietary guidelines for adults in Greece

Suggestions for your nutrition


The Hellenic Health Foundation in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Health and the Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention (HCDCP), implements the Greek national diet and health survey entitled: "HYDRIA. Program and targeted action on the health and nutrition of the Greek population: development and implementation of methodology and documentation".

Download HERE the .zip file that contains:

• Summary of the survey is addressed to journalists who engaged with the health sector

• FAQs about the HYDRIA study


LAST UPDATE: 28/06/2013
This website is created for the needs of “HYDRIA: Program and focused action on the health and nutrition of the Greek population: development and implementation of methodology and documentation”. It reflects the views of its authors. These views have not been adopted or approved in any way by the Special Service Health & Social Solidarity and the European Commission and should not be received as such. The Special Service Health & Social Solidarity does not guarantee the accuracy of the data of this website,nor is to be held responsible for any use of the respective data.